Pregnancy 101

Educational Video
Babies' Poop - A Guide for Worried Parents

    Being a new parent is not easy. You are always worried about your baby and their well-being. One of the common concerns for new parents is their baby's poop. How do you know if your baby's poop is normal? Should you be worried about the color, consistency or amount of poop your baby is producing? Amount of Poop: When you open your baby's diaper, you should check the amount of poop your baby is producing. If the poop is just a little smear, then it's okay. However, if the poop is more than 50%, it may be a sign of concern. Consistency of Poop: Initially, a baby's poop is watery, and as the baby grows, it becomes more solid and formed. Hard stool is not desirable at all. If you see hard stools, it's time to see a doctor to find out what the problem is and help your baby. Color of Poop: The initial color of your baby's poop is black meconium or dark green. As the milk intake improves, the color changes to yellow or orange, which looks like mustard. Green poop usually happens when the intestines move too fast, and there is no time for the bile to change the color from green to yellow. Brown poop is more common in babies who are eating solid food. Meconium, which is the initial stool, is only seen in the first few days, maximum three days. Clay-colored poop is quite dangerous, indicating that the baby has a liver problem. If you notice clay-colored stools, see a doctor to find out or do some blood tests, ultrasound to identify and solve the problem. It's normal to be concerned about your baby's poop, but using the Amsterdam Stool Scale will give you a better idea of what's normal and what's not. If you're still concerned, don't hesitate to contact your pediatrician. Remember, your baby's poop is an essential indicator of their overall health, so it's better to be safe than sorry.

Educational Video
What to eat for a healthy pregnancy?

    As an expectant mother, you want to do everything you can to ensure the healthy growth and development of your baby. This means taking care of yourself and making sure you are getting the right nutrients to support your pregnancy. There are two essential micronutrients that every pregnant mom should be aware of: folic acid and mineral iron. Iron plays a crucial role during pregnancy, as it is needed for the production of red blood cells. When you are pregnant, your body requires more iron to accommodate the increased volume of red blood cells needed to support your growing baby. This is why it is recommended that pregnant women consume at least 30 mg of iron per day. Inadequate intake of iron during pregnancy can cause lethargy and increase the risk for preterm delivery and low-birth-weight babies. There are two types of high rich iron foods: animal-based and plant-based. Animal-based sources include red meat, poultry, and seafood, while plant-based sources can be found in broccoli, beansprouts, green-leafy vegetables, nuts, and legumes. By incorporating these foods into your diet, you can ensure that you are getting the right amount of iron to support your pregnancy. Folic acid is also an essential micronutrient during pregnancy. It plays a crucial role in the production of new cells, including brain cells, blood cells, DNA, and RNA. Inadequate intake of folic acid can lead to neural tube birth defects, including anencephaly among babies. High rich foods in folic acid can be found in green-leafy vegetables, broccoli, beansprouts, legumes, and nuts. You can also find the synthetic form of folic acid in fortified foods, such as breakfast cereals and breads. By incorporating these foods into your diet, you can ensure that you are getting enough folic acid to support your pregnancy. Now, let's debunk some common myths surrounding pregnancy. Firstly, it is a myth that a pregnant mother needs to eat for two. The increase in energy requirements among pregnant mothers actually depends on the mother's pre-pregnancy weight and trimester. Eating double portions is not necessary. A pregnant mother needs an extra 300 calories per day, which can be met by consuming healthy snacks such as two slices of bread and a glass of milk. Secondly, there is a myth that watermelon and pineapple can cause miscarriage. This is not true. There is no significant study that shows the effects of taking these cooling fruits or foods on the risk of miscarriage. In fact, pineapple is a good source of folate and vitamin C, which can enhance the absorption of iron. By incorporating these fruits into your diet, you can get the nutrients you need to support your pregnancy. If you find it difficult to meet the iron and folic acid recommendations through food, don't worry. You can seek advice from your dietitian or doctor to plan your diet or supplement with iron and folic acid. Remember, taking care of yourself during pregnancy is crucial to the healthy growth and development of your baby. By incorporating these essential micronutrients into your diet, you can ensure that you are giving your baby the best start in life.

Educational Video
Pain Relief during Labor: Understanding Epidural

  MommyDaddy&i is proud to introduce the 1st episode of our new educational series in collaboration with Columbia Asia Hospital Puchong. Follow along this short video where Dr. Ramanesh Mageswaran provide insights to pain relief during labor and understanding epidural. Having a baby is an exciting and special time, but every birth is different and can come with some degree of discomfort during labour. In this educational video, we discuss different methods to help ease labour pain. Relaxation and breathing techniques can help you feel more comfortable and in control of your contractions. In addition, Entonox (also known as happy or laughing gas) can help control contractions by inhaling a mixture of oxygen and nitrous oxide. If you experience more severe contractions, your obstetrician can give you stronger medication, such as spinal-based medication like pethidine. A trained anesthetist will administer this medication in the labour room. Epidural is another option for pain relief during labour. This procedure involves placing a small epidural tube into the epidural space, which numbs the nerves in your lower body. The medication used in an epidural is local and blocks the nerves that transmit pain from the uterus and vagina. This means that very little medication reaches your baby, and you can safely breastfeed after an epidural. During the procedure, you will need to provide consent, have an IV cannula and a drip placed, and be positioned slightly up, hugging a pillow or teddy bear. You will feel some pressure or a strange sensation down your legs during the procedure, but this is normal. Epidurals do not slow down labour, and there is no evidence that they increase the likelihood of a Caesarean section. While epidurals are usually safe, as with any medical treatment, there can be side effects and complications. It's common to feel itchiness or irritability after an epidural due to the medication infused. You may experience weak and heavy legs or a slight drop in blood pressure that could make you feel nauseous. In some cases, you may lose bladder control, and your nurse will insert a urinary catheter to drain your urine. Rarely, women may develop postpartum headaches that can last several days if not treated. Severe complications after an epidural are rare and seen in less than 1% of cases. Epidurals can provide excellent pain relief, and they can also be topped up for a Caesarean section if necessary. If you have any concerns or questions about pain relief during labour, talk to your healthcare provider. We hope that this video helps you understand epidurals better and prepare for a more comfortable and positive childbirth experience.

Pregnancy Journey
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Journey of Pregnancy Week 6

A Glimpse of Your Little Sweet Pea ?? Picture a tiny little face with cheeks, a chin, and a jaw. That's your baby at 6 weeks, no bigger than a sweet pea! Although pregnancy symptoms can be tough to deal with, just think of the tiny life growing inside of you. The sight of your baby's developing face can make all the discomfort disappear, even if just for a moment. Your baby's face is starting to take shape, with two little indentations that will soon become adorable dimples. And, with a beating heart of 110 beats per minute, your baby's tiny heart is working hard to keep up with the growing demands of their body. Your doctor will measure the crown to rump length to determine the exact week of your pregnancy, and your baby is now about a fifth to a quarter of an inch long. While your baby's circulatory system is developing and pumping efficiently, your own body is experiencing some changes too. Heartburn is a common symptom in pregnancy, caused by the relaxing of muscles that keep the opening between your stomach and esophagus sealed. To help manage heartburn, try eating small, frequent meals, avoiding greasy and spicy foods, wearing comfortable clothing that accommodates your growing bump, and eating a healthy and balanced diet. It's normal to have a lot of questions about your pregnancy, so don't hesitate to bring them up with your doctor. And remember, even though you're pregnant, it's not an excuse to eat twice as much as you normally would. Stay mindful of your hunger cues and choose nourishing foods that will support you and your growing baby. This time in your pregnancy is a magical journey, as you watch your little sweet pea transform into a beautiful, healthy baby. Embrace the ups and downs, and enjoy this special time with your little one. ??

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A Gentle Touch of Love

Infant massage is a practice that has been around for years and is growing in popularity recently. It can provide a range of benefits for both the baby and the parent plus it's a fun way to bond with your little one and watch them grow in front of your eyes! One of the most obvious benefits of infant massage is the bonding experience it provides for parents and their babies. It allows parents to connect with their baby on a physical and emotional level, the act of physically touching and holding the baby can also help to release the hormone oxytocin, which is known to promote feelings of love and bonding. This will be a chance for you to make silly faces, sing silly songs and create special moments with your baby that will last a lifetime. It's also a great opportunity for dads to get in on the action and bond with their little one too. Did you know that infant massage can also be a great way to relieve colic, constipation, and gas? No more fussing and crying from your little one, just a happy and content baby. Plus, it can improve sleep patterns and make your baby more relaxed and calm. Now that's something to sing about! But the benefits don't stop there. Infant massage can also have a positive impact on your baby's physical development, from improving circulation to promoting growth and development. It's like a mini workout for your baby! And let's not forget about the benefits for the parents. Infant massage can provide a sense of empowerment and confidence. It can also be a valuable tool for stress management and self-care. You'll be surprised how much more relaxed you feel after a little massage session with your baby. Infant massage can also be beneficial for premature or special needs babies. It can help to improve overall development and well-being, and make them stronger and healthier.   Infant massage is a fun and enjoyable way to bond with your baby, while also providing a wide range of benefits for both baby and parent. It's a chance to create special moments and watch your baby grow and develop in front of your eyes. So go ahead, give it a try and see the magic happen! If you're interested in trying infant massage, do check out our class happening soon! Register for the class here

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Setting Up Your House To Ensure Crawling Safety For Your Child

Congratulations — and welcome to a whole new phase of babyhood! Now that your infant has mastered movement on all fours, she's able to explore her world, pique her curiosity, and engage in some skill-boosting activities (like scooting toward the ball instead of crying for you to bring it to her). But along with your baby’s newfound mobility comes the potential for mischief as she crawls toward trouble spots (the electrical outlet, the cat’s litter box). So it’s time to start thinking about crawling safety. These tips will help ensure that your little mover and shaker segues into crawling with as few bumps and bruises as possible. Make things safe for your little crawler. Haven't gotten around to making your home a safe place for baby? Now is the time to get serious about babyproofing. Here are some crawling safety basics: Move electrical and window cords out of the way; plug up electrical outlets; lock cabinets that contain dangerous items (think poisons, medicines, sharp objects, or breakables), and get rid of items on the floor that are small enough to fit into your baby's mouth and possibly choke her (since your baby will mouth anything she gets her hands on!). Section off any danger zones (like the bathroom) by installing a safety gate at the entrance of the room or area or keeping the door closed. If your house has multiple levels, you’ll need to install a gate at the top and bottom of the stairs — that way your baby won’t be able to crawl up from the bottom and tumble back down. (Though you may want to put the bottom gate a few steps up from the landing so that your baby has a chance to practice her crawling skills on the bottom steps.) Crawl as a couple. A great way to help you understand the view your child has of the world — and see what potential dangers she may encounter (even if you have baby proofed) is to get down on the ground and crawl with her. You may notice a long-forgotten possible choking hazard under the armchair or discover that the edge of your coffee table is sharper than you thought! Crawling around with your baby will also give you the chance to teach her some crawling safety tips — i.e., what’s okay for her to grab and what’s not. It may take a while for her to catch on to the fact that she can’t have the food in the dog’s bowl but she can play with the Tupperware in the kitchen cabinet. Just keep at it though — after enough repetition on your part, she’ll get the picture. Level the playing field (and floor). Make sure that wood floors are free from splinters, nails, or any other sharp objects so that your baby has a smooth surface on which to roam. If you don’t have many carpeted areas in your home, you may want to consider getting a non slip rug or floor padding (you can find colorful floor pads made especially for little ones at baby stores) to give your baby the chance to crawl on some soft surfaces — and reduce any bruising to her tender knees. Dress for success. You may love the way your little fashionista looks in frilly dresses and skirts, but while she’s learning to crawl, these girlie garments could slow her down and frustrate her. But style doesn’t have to take a backseat to crawling safety. Simply don your baby in comfy pants (the better to cushion her knees) or lightweight leggings in warmer weather. (If you really feel the need to protect your little crawler’s gams when she’s sporting shorts in the summer, there are knee pads you can buy.) Got a baby boy? Make sure his pants aren’t too baggy or they’ll bunch up at the knees and interfere with his efforts. Maintain an eagle eye. No matter what crawling safety precautions you’ve taken in your home, you’ll still need to watch your newly minted crawler at all times to make sure she doesn’t get into any mischief or get hurt. The only time you can safely take your eyes off your baby is when she’s in her crib or play yard. And remember that when you’re not at home, your little crawler will be extra interested in exploring the new environment, which means you'll need to be extra vigilant about keeping tabs on her! Happy (and safe) exploring!